College student's priorities: sleep, food, sports, class. In that order.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

RE: coffee

Oh caf... You've done it again. In my effort to warm up after walking across campus in the dreaded cold, I grabbed a cup of nice warm "coffee". That's right, there are quotes around coffee because I'm not entirely sure you can call it coffee. You see, it was more like drinking hot water with hazelnut creamer in it. Not spectacular. Luckily I don't necessarily need the jolt of caffeine today because I'm done with all of my classes for the day. Actually, I'm done with all of my classes for the semester! Talk about feeling a sense of accomplishment. I think I will celebrate by pouring out the rest of my crappy cup of coffee and taking a nap! I know what you're all thinking, "woah! Don't get too crazy Samie!" But hey, a girl's gotta live on the wild side at some point in her life right?

Here's to hoping you have the chance to indulge in a better cup of coffee than I, and here's to well rested college students (though we all still have finals to look forward to so the well rested part is going to be put on hold).

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Love advice from a 4-year-old

Love advice from a 4-year-old:
Do you go to school?
No. I finished college, remember?
So, are you married?
Do you have a boyfriend?
Why not? People who go to college get married! You should be married, Kristin!
That's not always true-
Yes it is! We will find you a King one day. Maybe he works at a laundromat! Or at the auto-shop!
Yeah, and then you find a King and get married so I can be in the wedding!
Okay, sure...
Your King will be here one day. I just know it. But hopefully soon because I really want to be in a wedding."
This is so funny!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Road trip...

You know how when you're going some place exciting the trip always seems twice as long. Just the opposite, when you hit the road to head home the trip breezes by. Well, this feeling isn't true when it comes to the trip back to school a week and a half before finals... Ellie (one of my teammates) and I have been on the road for what seems like forever and a day but we have absolutely no desire to go back and face the horrors this week will bring. This drive is never ending and I get the feeling it is only the beginning of what will feel like a never ending week.

Wish us luck!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Stop Whining!

Okay, lets get real here for a second.  Seriously, lets have an honest heart to heart.

I'm tired of constantly seeing statuses and tweets about how immature and dramatic high school students are.  These annoying (and might I say dramatic) posts are, for the most part, coming from people who I thought were at least a little bit intelligent.  I understand reading a post from a friend who is a in their first three years of high school; yeah, sure there will be "drama" when you're in that place in your life and everyone will be immature about it for awhile, then it will be forgotten by the time freshmen orientation rolls around.  As for the rest of you annoying people... SHUT UP! Stop worrying about what's going on in your high schools, of which, you are now an alumnus!  If you don't want "drama" then don't immerse yourself in your past.  YOU ARE IN COLLEGE NOW! ACT LIKE IT! If you don't stop looking to your past for comfort and start living in the present and enjoying what you have and how glorious this time of your life is, you will end up being that nosey lady from down the hall who nobody likes.


Okay, done.  Hope you aren't sitting in tears because you finally realize how childish you've been.