College student's priorities: sleep, food, sports, class. In that order.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

An Open Letter to Nap Time

Dear Nap Time,

You are my favorite part of the day. When I wake up every morning for my 8am class I long for you. You bring utter peace and serenity and alway make me happier and sometimes a little drowsier, but that's ok. I must say I'm sorry for resisting you for all of those years between the ages of 4 and 8. I didn't know what I was missing back then. Lately I've come to be even more grateful for our time together and on any day when I can't meet with you it is a truly grouchy and unfortunate day. So, here's to you nap time and all your glory! Thank you and see you in about an hour!


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Midnight Mind Nugget

I hate 8am. It doesn't agree with me. Unfortunately, I'm the stupid freshmen who took on an 8am class everyday this semester. Not only did I take on 8am every morning, I took on stats at 8am. Bottom line: it's midnight and I have a an 8am stats class tomorrow that will end in a quiz. "#screwed" would be an appropriate hash tag if this were twitter.

Ps: I just realized that "stats" is spelled the same way backwards! Who cares if it's an abbreviation, still cool.


Friday, January 13, 2012


Clearly, I have abandonment issues. By abandonment issues I dot mean my dad left me an I cry every night screaming "Why me?!" Nope, not that at all. I've simply abandoned all of you viewing my posts(by all of you, I mean dad because let's face it no one else reads this sorry excuse of a blog; Like I said, no daddy issues). My bad!

Anyway, I'm back and it's a new year, a new semester, and I'm newly 19. Yippee! I'm not so stoked about the new semester but I'll be stoked if the world doesn't end this year (I don't really believe in that crap). Well, I have nothing else to say so here's to a happy new year filled with exciting adventures for all of you (dad).

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Oreo balls: update

I made these bad boys and may I say they were delicious!! Eat your heart out fellow foodies!