College student's priorities: sleep, food, sports, class. In that order.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"I can't wait to see what God has in store for me!"

This is a phrase I here so often being that I go to a Christian college and attend church weekly.   It has recently been used a lot within my circle of people, most of whom are younger than me since I'm home in California and not away at school, and I feel as though many of those who exclaim this phrase use it way to lightly.   Now don't get me wrong, I see myself as someone who is way undeserving of my Saviors immense love for me and I try my hardest everyday to be more like my Creator; I am also genuinely excited for the play God has for my life.  However, I have a problem with people exclaiming "I can't wait to see what God has in store for me" and not knowing what that entails.  So many people are excited for what God has for them but they aren't willing to put in the work.  Many of us, myself included, want things to fall into our laps with as little effort as possible put in to obtain the end result.  In my observation, this is what many want when they say " I can't wait to see what God has for me."  Our generation is very much an instant gratification body.  We want things and we want them now.  We want to be billionaires overnight and we aren't willing to work through college to earn the nice things in life.

This same is true of many of us in our claims of, "I can't wait to see what God has in store."  We expect to be hit upside the head with some sort of sense of perfection or happiness that will one day come and that will be what God had for us.  We think that once we reach that success that God's will for us has been fulfilled and it's done.  I don't believe that's how it works at all.  We were put on this earth the do God's work.  We were put here to change and adapt.  This is why we go through seasons.  Call me crazy, but if everything stayed the same all the time, we would all be pretty depressed and then what would the point be?  I believe that God's will for us also changes.  Last semester I was sitting in one of my final chapels for the semester just thinking about lunch, and hoping that the caf would have something edible other than pizza for the 97th time that week, when our chaplain started talking about God's will for our lives.  He told us he believed that God's will for us was what was happening in our lives at that very second.  For example, if you are sitting in class learning about statistics, then that is God's will for your life right then.  This isn't to say that God doesn't care what we do and that our choices are our choices and it doesn't matter what's happening in your personal relationship with your Father.  No, it simply means that what is here and now is what God has planned for you now so you should put your energy into it and be present and be invested in it, whatever it may be.  If we spend all of our time waiting for what God has for us, we will miss out on what he has already given us.

I am by no means perfect with this whole "be in the moment" thing.  Honestly, I've spent most of my summer waiting for the fall.  I have a lot happening this coming semester and it's hard not to put all of my time and thoughts into that.  It's okay to be excited about the future, but when we start dreaming too much about it and forgetting that there are still things to be done now, that when we can become absent in our own lives.  It's also okay to be excited to see what God has for you.  In fact, you should definitely be excited for that and blessed to feel like He has so much for you, but you should take note that what he had in store for you a year ago (or, heck, a week ago) is here and now and it took work to get to where you are, wherever that may be.  Be grateful and ready to work in the pursuit of God's will.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Giving Back: Working Out for a Cause

Ok folks, here's the deal.  I have recently become aware of an organization called Love146.  The organization raises money to put an end to child sex slavery all over the world.  Every year they do a campaign call "Tread on Trafficking" in which people can sign up to become "treaders" and raise money trough working out.  I decided a couple of weeks ago that I am certainly going to do this next year through my summer workouts.  I decided to do it next summer because I figured since they are already started this year I'll just wait.  However, I still wanted to throw the idea out there.  Right now I am debating if I should just start doing it now since there are only 18 days left in the 30 day fundraiser and I think it would be a lot of fun.  My only concern is that I would get started and it would just flop; or, me being me, I would be all about it for about a week or two and then the fire would die down.  I figured the least I could do is write something about it and throw it into the world for others to see.  I am hoping that the opportunity will be available again before next summer so I can jump on the bandwagon for the full month next time.

For those of you that would like to learn more about the organization and what they are fighting against, you can visit their website here.

If you would like to donate to the cause you can do so here.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Courtesy Blog

Well hello there folks!  I know you're thinking, "Oh my! She is still alive!" Well, not really because that would actually mean that humans read the disaster of a blog and that is just simply untrue. It's okay, I'm aware of it.

Anyway, back to the point.  I'm writing the 'courtesy blog' as I like to call it because I haven't written in awhile and just felt like writing something more than a facebook status or a 140 character post on twitter. So, what's new you ask? (I mean the metaphorical you of course since no one reads this...) Well, I'm glad you asked.  I am now home for summer break which is truly bitter-sweet.  I miss all of my lovely friends from back at the treat but I am very blessed to be home with my family.  Being home means re-acclimating to life in a house instead of a dorm and getting use to not having a constant flow of friends at your fingertips.  Summer has been uneventful thus far but I am enjoying my time of relaxation before I jump back into school and volleyball full-force.

Hmm... Lets see. What else have I been up to lately? I've been working out almost daily for volleyball and I've been re-watching One Tree Hill because I simply can't let go of it yet.  I know, I'm hopeless.  I love it.  What can I say?  For the past couple of days I've been helping my mom get ready for my sister's graduation festivities.  Today was a doozie for all of the that stuff.  I woke up went grocery shopping for the grad party.  We then took a break and went to lunch and a movie.  You know, quality mother daughter bonding and such.  Then we went for more grad shopping for the party and finally I came home only to get involved in more grad stuff.  I wrapped my sister's present, which I've had for a couple of months now and it's been killing me to not show her! Then I made a Graduation Mix for the car ride to the graduation venue. Don't worry; it's kick-ass! Oh, and I decorated her grad cap (my personal way of 'stickin it to the man' since they wouldn't let me decorate my cap when I graduated last year... I'm bitter).

Well, that's pretty much it; except that I have acquired a TON of new amazing music lately and it has made me very happy!

Here's to a good weekend with great tunes!


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

An Open Letter to Airports

Dear Airport,

Why are you so weird? Why do you attract such weird people? I feel like I wonder this almost every time I fly, an I've flown a lot this year being that I go to school across the country from where I live.

Also, why are your planes always late? Hasn't anyone given them the memo that on time is late and ten minutes early is on time? I feel as though that should be the motto for most things in life.

There are many more things I wonder about you Airport, but these are some of the things that I ponder the most. These things also happen to be your most annoying traits. Ya know, you should really work to be better. It would make many people happier. Just a thought.

Disgruntled Traveler Samie

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Here Ye, Here Ye

I don't really know what to write about but I haven't written in a while so I figured I just start putting thumbs to iPhone an see what happens. Here goes nothin'. My hands are really cold because it is April 24th and freezing outside. Seriously. It snowed yesterday. This is a big deal.

THIS JUST IN!!! My eye is twitching again!
Dear Eye,

Anyway, back to the cold. IT'S COLD! All I want is to wear shorts, tank tops and flip-flops. Hopefully this will pass quickly and we can be back up in the 70s by the end of the week.

I've gotten to the point where I'm running out of things to say. I am however wondering if the phase I've put as the title on this mess of a post is correct. Does it go "Here Ye, Here Ye" or "Hear Ye, Hear Ye"? If its the latter then I should really change it to "Read Ye, Read Ye". That will be all.

Love and rockets,

Ps: You will be hearing (reading) of the happenings of this nickname after Sunday when my team dominates!

Sunday, March 25, 2012


This weekend was one of my best since second semester started! I've been bored since volleyball season ended months ago and really wanted to go see my BEST friend in Northern Kentucky. So, that's precisely what I did! I hitched a ride to the KY with my grandparents so my best friend and I could be inseparable for a day and a half. Yes, I rode/drove 6-7 hours for a day and a half with my friend, and it was worth every priceless moment! On top of being with her for almost 48 straight I also got to catch up with some old friends and see my younger cousin's play, which was stinkin' adorable! Bottom line, it was a great weekend and hopefully I'll be able to take the care in about a month and go back!

Pitchas from da weekend:

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I Might Die...

I have taken on an impossible task.  I have decided to take on P90X like it's nothing.  LIke I'm a pro athlete. Like I'm going to the olympics or something! I think I might die!

In all honesty, I'm two days in and I'm a little sore.  I think I'm dying while I'm actually doing the work outs but when I'm done and covered in sweat I feel so accomplished! Being sore the next day is like a present saying, "HOORAY! You did it! Now suck it up and do it again!" I haven't started doing the ab ripper yet though so we will see how that goes... (My abs hurt already and I haven't even done the ab ripper yet?! I'm going to die.)

Anyway, I'll keep kind of a journal type thing on here which will consist of my whining a lot and wishing I could stop and trying to keep motivated.

Wish me luck!!!