College student's priorities: sleep, food, sports, class. In that order.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

An Open Letter to Airports

Dear Airport,

Why are you so weird? Why do you attract such weird people? I feel like I wonder this almost every time I fly, an I've flown a lot this year being that I go to school across the country from where I live.

Also, why are your planes always late? Hasn't anyone given them the memo that on time is late and ten minutes early is on time? I feel as though that should be the motto for most things in life.

There are many more things I wonder about you Airport, but these are some of the things that I ponder the most. These things also happen to be your most annoying traits. Ya know, you should really work to be better. It would make many people happier. Just a thought.

Disgruntled Traveler Samie

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