College student's priorities: sleep, food, sports, class. In that order.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Campus is Crawling!

Well, after getting away for the weekend at my grandparents house a couple of hours away I'm back at school.  The week is in full bloom the bugs and people are in a tizzy.  Seriously, the bugs are everywhere.  I though fall was when they were supposed to go away but apparently they didn't get the memo... Wasps in my fifth floor dorm room. That's all I need to say.

Anyway, classes will end as quickly as they began come  Wednesday when fall break starts! I can't wait! No papers due for four straight days! No homework to put off until the last possible second! And no classes to nod off during! With all of this excitement it's hard to imagine there could be more to look forward to, huh? Nope, wrong.  My sister gets here tomorrow morning and we are hanging out for all of break.  Not only that but we are also venturing our way to Wilmington, North Carolina on Saturday! I'm so stoked I can't even explain! We are going to go to the beach (even though it probably won't be warm enough to get in the water), we're going to take the One Tree Hill set tour, which we are both stoked out of our minds for, and we're going to walk through all of the fun shops on Carolina beach as well as in downtown Wilmington! Basically, we are going to have an absolute amazing day with nobody but ourselves to please.  It's going to be fantastic.

Woah! I got so excited I forgot what I was writing about!

Alas, I have to wait for this beloved sibling/Wilmington time for a few more days.  I also have to get through writing a research paper that I haven't started and hopefully passing a quiz that I haven't started studying for. (I haven't even read the material one time through yet!)  Well, this post took a weird turn... when I first started writing it, it was going to be about all the old fold and young kids wondering around campus.  That ship sailed.  Though as I wrote those two sentences about ten old people (we're talkin' ancient, folks) walked by and when I started writing this post there were what seemed fifteen kids running around the Huckleberry with ice cream.  Basically, there are people everywhere, and worse than that, there are bees and wasps and ladybugs and flies EVERYWHERE!!! Including in my room as I mentioned earlier... BOOOOO! GO AWAY BUGS! I mean I know you're impotant to the ecosystem and some other crap like that, but seriously, YOU BUGGIN' ME! (pun intended!)

Ok this post is doomed and I've been sitting here contemplating a strawberry banana smoothie for the past  hour so I think I'm gonna cave and go get one!

PS: Two old guys just walked out onto the patio! D: THERE EVERYWERE!

K I'm done for real. Baiiii!

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