College student's priorities: sleep, food, sports, class. In that order.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Fall Break... What a splendiferous time!

I've been meaning to post about fall break for a week now, but I hit the ground running with I got back to campus on Sunday.  So, here I am now to fill everyone in on the fantastic fall break I had.

 For starters, my sister Brit was in town for all of break, which allowed me to regain some of my sanity which I have lost a lot of since being away at school.  She arrived on Tuesday, went to one of my classes on Wednesday, and off to grandmother's house we were! Thursday involved a trip to Raleigh to see some giant gummy bears.  Yes, see.  Not devour, or even taste, but see.  Pretty disappointing to drive 45 minutes away to see a giant gummy bear, but it was still fun.  There were half pound gummy bears too... on a stick!

Later Thursday night Brit and I carved pumpkins for my grandma.  They turned out pretty spectacular, though, grandma couldn't tell what mine was... It was an owl, she thought it was a cat.  Anyway, carving pumpkins was an absolute blast because I wasn't expecting them to come out nearly as good as they did!  Not to mention the guts may be gross but they sure are fun too!  See for yourself!

Friday was rather laid back.  Brit and I had the day to ourselves because the grandparents both had to work.  We spent the day crafting it up, but not before having some delicious Steak n' Shake.  Brit had been craving some for awhile since there are none in California.  She started painting an "S" for my dorm room while I finished this masterpiece...

The "S" went home to California with Brit so she could finish painting it and the crayon art is busy filling up the rest of my wall space.

Ok, now for the really fun stuff.  Saturday! Saturday we went to Wilmington!!! It was soooo much fun!  We got up at like 7 a.m. and headed out out at 8 since it was a three hour drive.  I am kinda an awesome driver though and made it in two and a half hours.  At noon we went on a tour of EUE / Screen Gems Studios where One Tree Hill (no pictures because it's illegal to take them on the tour) is filmed and where Iron Man 3 is going to be filmed here in a few months. The best part of the tour was listing to the two crazed fans who were freaking out about being in Brooke's bedroom and Tric.  At one point when we were walking off of the set of Haley and Nathan's house said, and I quote, "Oh my God! I can't believe I'm walking out Haley and Nathan's front door!!" FREAKING HILARIOUS!!! I was holding back laughter like you wouldn't believe! Anyway, after that we headed to Wrightsville and chilled on the beach for about two hours and began the journey home.  We got home around  8 and got up the next morning at 4 to head to the airport.

 I want to live there!!!
 Homework on the beach.

Break pretty much ended there and Sunday evening the madness ensued.  Papers galore!  Now all I want is another beautiful day in Wilmington... by myself.  I could use a day to myself at this point!

Dinner time. Bye.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Book... Yeah.

Not exactly my favorite thing to be doing late on a Friday night... Especially when I'm going to Wilmington, NC early the next day. We all know what this picture means though... Another world civ paper! Yeah, I know, it sucks, but at least this book isn't as boring as "Greeks & Romans Bearing Gifts". For that, I am truly greatful!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Campus is Crawling!

Well, after getting away for the weekend at my grandparents house a couple of hours away I'm back at school.  The week is in full bloom the bugs and people are in a tizzy.  Seriously, the bugs are everywhere.  I though fall was when they were supposed to go away but apparently they didn't get the memo... Wasps in my fifth floor dorm room. That's all I need to say.

Anyway, classes will end as quickly as they began come  Wednesday when fall break starts! I can't wait! No papers due for four straight days! No homework to put off until the last possible second! And no classes to nod off during! With all of this excitement it's hard to imagine there could be more to look forward to, huh? Nope, wrong.  My sister gets here tomorrow morning and we are hanging out for all of break.  Not only that but we are also venturing our way to Wilmington, North Carolina on Saturday! I'm so stoked I can't even explain! We are going to go to the beach (even though it probably won't be warm enough to get in the water), we're going to take the One Tree Hill set tour, which we are both stoked out of our minds for, and we're going to walk through all of the fun shops on Carolina beach as well as in downtown Wilmington! Basically, we are going to have an absolute amazing day with nobody but ourselves to please.  It's going to be fantastic.

Woah! I got so excited I forgot what I was writing about!

Alas, I have to wait for this beloved sibling/Wilmington time for a few more days.  I also have to get through writing a research paper that I haven't started and hopefully passing a quiz that I haven't started studying for. (I haven't even read the material one time through yet!)  Well, this post took a weird turn... when I first started writing it, it was going to be about all the old fold and young kids wondering around campus.  That ship sailed.  Though as I wrote those two sentences about ten old people (we're talkin' ancient, folks) walked by and when I started writing this post there were what seemed fifteen kids running around the Huckleberry with ice cream.  Basically, there are people everywhere, and worse than that, there are bees and wasps and ladybugs and flies EVERYWHERE!!! Including in my room as I mentioned earlier... BOOOOO! GO AWAY BUGS! I mean I know you're impotant to the ecosystem and some other crap like that, but seriously, YOU BUGGIN' ME! (pun intended!)

Ok this post is doomed and I've been sitting here contemplating a strawberry banana smoothie for the past  hour so I think I'm gonna cave and go get one!

PS: Two old guys just walked out onto the patio! D: THERE EVERYWERE!

K I'm done for real. Baiiii!


Try and tell me this place isn't incredible! Seriously! Try! You'll probably get smacked square in yo jaw if you do but hey why not take the risk?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Are men or women better packers? The MythBusters know | Geek Gestalt - CNET News

This is awesome and freaking hilarious! Can't believe dad forgot the baby!!

The story of the day was car-packing tests. One after another, a man and a woman were each given an empty car and 10 minutes to try to get 28 individual items in it. They'd be judged on their work with the cars in six categories: packing, neatness and efficiency, comfort, drivability, delicate item packing, and total time taken. Also, they needed to ensure there would room in the cars for a driver, a front-seat passenger, and a baby.
This was just one experiment out of six pitting men and women against each other that would be included in the episode. In addition to packing, driving, and map-reading, the MythBusters would also be testing men's and women's acumen at grilling, multitasking, and reading emotional cues. For each, 10 men and 10 women would be brought in. The results wouldn't be known for some time, long after this article publishes.
Was it scientific? Probably not, but it was probably a big enough sample size--one of the biggest the show had ever worked with--to draw some meaningful conclusions, MythBusters co-host Adam Savage told me. "We do stand by our results," Savage said. "We stand by our methodologies. Given a larger sample size, we would have some real numbers."
Today, Savage was basically running the show. The judges for each round were co-hosts Jamie Hyneman and Kari Byron. As each set of volunteers spent their frenetic ten minutes packing, Hyneman and Byron sat in a nearby tent, blind to the gender of the person packing each car. The idea was to weed out their biases, Savage explained.
'Not good'
When I arrived, Wayne Covington and Tristen Shannon were about to take their turns at packing. Their 10 minutes started, and the two ran toward their cars, Shannon working on the car decked out with red tape, Covington on the one with blue tape.
Covington and Shannon ran around, stuffing the gear into their cars, the minutes ticking down. Savage looked at the countdown clock and yelled out, "Two minutes!" Shannon ran around and said, "Too hard!"
And then it was over. "Three, two, one," Savage yelled. "Stop packing!"
It was clear right from the get-go that neither of the two had done a particularly good job. Shannon's car was stuffed, but the trunk wouldn't close since things were spilling out of it. Covington had gotten nearly everything in the car but had forgotten one very important item.
"You forgot the baby," Byron asked incredulously when she went to inspect Covington's car. "I would say that on the priority list, that's pretty high."
Other items that had to go in the car included a (toy) dog in a carrier, and a pie. Covington had gotten each in his car, but Byron wasn't too impressed. "I'm going to say the efficiency of the drippy pie is pretty low," she said of the now-crushed desert. With the baby missing, and a ruined confection, not to mention an overflowing trunk, Byron was still critical. "Not good, not good," she said. "I'm...going to say I'm not going to take a road trip with this person."
After the initial inspection, it was time to put the cars through their drivability test. They'd laid out a small track, and Savage got behind the wheel. Quickly, he peeled out, Byron and Hyneman also in the car, and the wheels screeched as he raced around the track.
But mid-ride, a skateboard, which had been sticking out of the trunk of Shannon's car, went flying. Upon returning to the starting point, Savage got out and said, "We have to invent a whole new penalty for not being able to close the trunk." Then he looked around and said, "Where's the skateboard?"
Over at Covington's car, Savage noticed that a box of eggs had fallen onto the floor and gotten crushed. Other things had flown around so violently during the driving test that Savage saw some actual benefit in Covington's having forgotten to pack the baby--it would have surely been killed by the items that went flying around inside the car as Savage drove.
A cameraman started shooting Hyneman's assessment: "We've got broken eggs on the floor, the cake's upside down, the dog's upside down," Hyneman said to the camera. "There's potential injury to the passenger because of objects flying out....Not so good."

Read the rest HERE!

Nothing to do before class...

Had a little Wordle fun before class today...

"You are beautiful, capable, and loved!" -Shantel VanSanten 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Grades? Nobody said anything about grades!

Well.  It's been six days since I was last on here, so I figured it was time to put my awesome thoughts on paper (or computer screen) again for anyone who cares. i.e. my dad.  Let's face it, he's the only one who reads these, but that's not going to stop me from writing as if a whole, lets say, two people were reading this.  Or maybe more, who knows?

Anyway let's get to the point.  Forewarning, I'm going to ramble a lot in this here post.  Ok, well, I do that in every post so you're used to it.  I'm going to be rambling a lot about grades and how annoying it is that our professors don't post them on the website they are supposed to post them on.  That is the very purpose of the freaking website!! Drive's me nuts!  Why have the thing there and running if nobody is going to use it?  I WANT TO KNOW WHAT MY GRADES ARE! Is that too much to ask for?  I think not!  I mean I'm half way through my first semester of college, I just had my first midterm this past thursday, and I have no freaking clue as to what my grades look like! ANNOYING! FRUSTRATING! And any other moderate to severe pissed off word that could be used as a one word hashtag on twitter!

Ok, I think I'm done because I have homework and all this rambling isn't going to get that done, which won't help my grades, no matter how bad or good they may be.  Ok let's face it, they are probably pretty good because lets face it... I'm freaking genius!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Life Starring Me

Ever feel like you're starring in your own movie?  I have.  Especially since I've been here at the Treat.

I was walking to class this morning listening to my iPod and got the feeling I was just the character in a movie on the big screen.  I don't know why, but I just felt like life wasn't real at the moment.  It must have been the stillness I felt walking through campus at that moment.  Or maybe the realization that dreams come true when you least expect them to.

I was thinking about this realization while I was walking back to my dorm from my math class a few minutes ago.  I'm still amazed that I'm where I am right now.  I mean, this place (college, not necessarily Montreat) has been a dream of mine for the past several years and now I'm living it.  I'm astonished everyday that I'm lucky enough to be here, especially on a volleyball scholarship, which also happens to be a dream come true for me.

Maybe this absence of reality is just the pure joy I feel everyday when I wake up,  even if the alarm is screaming at 7am.  I found myself smiling uncontrollably as I walked through campus this morning for no reason.  For all I know it could have just been the song playing at the moment (Maybe by Everly), which is playing as I'm writing this.  But, me being me I have to believe that it was just a good moment with me, God, and the music playing in the background.  Either way you spin it, it was a good time where I just basked in the beauty of living out my dreams.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Thumbs down!

World civ is getting the best of me again... First exam of the class. Boo! Bring it!